[an error occurred while processing this directive]Most Visited Main Cigar Page Cigar Shops Cigar Brands Cuban Cigars Cigar Humidors The Cigar BIGLIST What's New in Cigars Classic Cigar Page [an error occurred while processing this directive] Cigar Categories Cigar Accessories Shops Cigar Advertising Items Cigar Associations Cigar Auctions Cigar Bands Cigar Brands Cigar Butane Cigar Cases Cigar Box Purses Cigar Climate Control Cigar Cubans Cigar Cutters Cigar Distributors Cigar Humidification Devices Cigar Humidors Cigar IRCs Cigar Lighters Cigar Listserves Cigar Newsgroups - Moderated Cigar Offsite Storage Cigar Personalized Gift Services Cigar Pipes and Tobaccos Cigar Private Labels Cigar Shops Cigar Specials, Promotions & Contests Cigar Wholesalers | [an error occurred while processing this directive] Xikar XIKAR cigar cutters are bold, masculine and beautifully engineered. The Xi series is designed to be both comfortable in the hand and well-balanced for a perfect cut. Other cigar cutters within the distinguished XIKAR family such as the cigar scissor, punch, v-cut, cigar knife and ultra slim cutters are all perfectly in tune with the needs of the modern day cigar aficionado. The unique range of cigar cutters complements every cigar smoker while providing signature performance. XIKAR has the right cigar tool for every occasion; v-cut, straight-cut, scissor cut, or punch. |